
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Very Important Message for Animal Lovers

I just received this, and I couldn't even read all of it, it was so horrible. You may not be able to either, but I think more people should know about this, mostly because of the inhumanity. The methods used by these companies should make your heart break, and hopefully inspire change in such a deplorable industry. Please read.

 Slaughter house: China butchers cats and dogs to satisfy the west's hunger

>for fur




>It sounds too grotesque for words. But pelts from slaughtered cats and dogs

>are being passed off as 'ethical' fur. Last week, the US fashion industry

>cracked down on dubious ladelling, not good news for British shoppers as

>fashion insiders predict a flood of rejects from the US


>The short video would have made even the most hardened fur-lover recoil. A

>grey longhaired German shepherd puppy is hauled from its cage by the neck

>before being strung up by a wire noose, which slowly strangles it to within

>an inch of its life. It is then skinned alive whilst blinking helplessly

>and moaning in agony.


>A PR disaster for the fur trade, this video is part of a huge campaign by

>the Humane Society of the United States.


>It culminated last week in the international animal rights charity exposing

>shocking new evidence that coats purchased from the top-end US designer

>store, Nordstrom, which stocks designer labels including Calvin Klein and

>Tommy Hilfiger, were found to be trimmed with fur from domestic dogs, even

>though the fur was advertised as fake.


>There was public outrage and the fashion industry in New York is still

>feeling the shockwaves. Panic set in as top names Calvin Klein, DKNY and

>Rocawear, and celebrities including Beyonce and P-Diddy whose fashion lines

>were stocked instore, rushed out statements expressing disgust.


>Described in shock news headlines as the 'biggest industry-wide deception'

>in recent years, it began after a tip-off from a customer who bought a

>surprisingly soft coat marked 'faux fur'.


>DNA tests revealed it to be domestic dog originating in China, which

>supplies well over half of the fur to the global market and is renowned for

>its inhumane killing methods.


>Other coats were found to be the skins of similarly banned members of the

>canine family, such as Racoon dog and wolf.


>There have been whispers for some time about the increase in dog and cat

>fur entering the global fur chain.


>But last week's news finally blew the lid off the scandal. And those naïve

>enough to believe that this is an isolated incident are in for a wake up



>In America importing cat and dog furs into the country has been outlawed

>since 2000. But in the UK - a nation famed for its animal lovers - there is

>no law banning the import of cat and dog fur at all, making it even more

>likely that a similar scandal could emerge.


>The Britsh Fur Association has signed up to a voluntary EU labelling scheme

>in a bid to reassure shoppers that its pelts are not tainted by cat and dog

>fur, and this autumn it plans to launch the Origin Assured (AO) label which

>will confirm that 'a product comes from a country where national or local

>regulations or standards governing fur production are in force'.


>But unlike Australia, New Zealand and 5 other EU countries, the UK

>government has so far refused calls to sign up to a blanket ban on such



>"Because fur is often dyed and treated, it is almost impossible to

>establish with 100 per cent certainty the true origin of the fur in our

>stores and markets," says Mark Glover, UK Director of Humane Society



>"With DNA testing proving expensive and time consuming, and garments

>needing to be sent abroad for analysis, it is also impossible to check

>every garment that enters the market.


>"It is now widely established that much of the exceptionally real feeling

>faux fur on sale in street market stalls across the country, like that in

>the US, is actually real."


>Last week's US clampdown is also expected to have a huge knock on effect

>globally - with imports of dog and cat fur now flooding the European market

>where legislation is more lax and demand for fur is equally high.


>But with most high street retailers and several top designer brands moving

>production to China in a bid to keep costs down, how long will it be before

>a major UK fashion chain is caught out? And when a cat pelt, can be bought

>in china for less than two dollars (compared with $6 for a dog) it is not

>suprising that many retailers turn a blind eye to its origins.


>Cat fur is soft and luxurious enabling it to be passed off as any number of

>more expensive furs. While German Shepherd is the most popular breed of dog

>because its long fur so closely resembles that of wild animals such as

>coyote or racoon. Labrador and Alsatian pelts have also been found.


>Recent figures reveal that China slaughters over two million cat and dogs

>every year to satisfy Western demand - supplying 50% of the fur in America.


>"How much of this is cat and dog pelt is impossible to tell but official

>figures reveal that 5,400 cats and dogs are slaughtered across China every

>day with the majority shipped to the West- someone has to be buying them,"

>adds Glover.


>While campaigners are pushing for EU-wide measures to ban the sale of cat

>and dog in all 25 member nations, the RSPCA says there is a strong

>likelihood that cat and dog fur is being worn by unsuspecting customers in

>a variety of fur trims.


>One major high street chain was even also forced to withdraw all fur from

>its collections after jackets trimmed with 'coyote' were found to be dog



>Wander through Covent Garden's jubilee market or celebrity favourite

>Portobello Road any afternoon and you are confronted by a vast array of fur

>lined gloves, coats, hats and accessories priced at rock bottom prices,

>such as £10 for a pair of leather fur lined gloves.


>Some are labelled 'genuine fur', others simply 'made in china' but because

>most of these garmets fall outside the usual mink or fox labels, they are

>imported under the 'Other fur' category, which means retailers are not

>legally obliged to state which animal they come from.


>"The demand for fur this winter has been so high that I've struggled to

>keep up," said one retailer in Covent Garden's Jubilee Market this week.


>Asked if he knew the origin of the fur on a pair of black leather gloves he

>was selling he shrugged his shoulders. Such demand inevitably means buyers

>are less discerning about its source.


>Posing as potential buyers, animal charity Care for the Wild International

>(CWI) went undercover in London and Hong Kong to reveal the extent to which

>Chinese fur is flooding the UK market. They were offered a range of skins

>including leopard and domestic cats skins.


>While many originate from Spain, the vast majority are Chinese. The vast

>majority of 'rabbit' pom pom scarves - popular for the past two winters,

>and a snip at £5 is available in markets up and down the UK - were exposed

>as cat fur.


>The Humane Society International first revealed Europe's role in the dog

>and cat fur back in 1998. As part of the original inquiry, investigators

>followed pelts across the world to France and Germany, where the fur was

>being made into coats, clothing trim, glove linings, and children's toys.

>The fur was also found in Spain, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, and the



>Sickening evidence collected included a blanket made out of 4 golden

>retrievers bought in Copenhagen, individual cat skins complete with eye

>holes, paws and tales in Barcelona and a full length coat made out of up to

>42 Alsatian puppies bought in Berlin. And in spite of anti-fur campaigners,

>the demand for fur in general on our high streets this winter was higher

>than ever before.


>Sales in the UK topped 50 million for the first time - up 30 per cent on

>two years ago. But because of dubious labelling, there is no official data

>on the trade.


>"It is the importer of the fur garment who chooses how the product is to be

>labelled," says Glover.


>"We have recordings of Chinese factory owners admitting to us during

>undercover investigations that they are happy to attach any label to

>garments to make them more marketable." The fur industry's new labelling

>initiatives have been seen by many as a step in the right direction.

>Regulations include guidelines that protect the environment and ensure

>sustainable wildlife programs and humane farming practices.


>"The labelling programme is part of a commitment to openness and

>transparency," says Andrea Martin of the British Fur Association.


>"As an industry, we deplore and work against the mistreatment of all



>But it is the people who operate outside the official fur industry who are

>the worry, as investigations by PETA reveal.


>Footage shows dogs and cats in cramped factories or being rounded up on the

>street where they are sold for their skin. Many still have their collars on

>at the time of slaughter - a sign they were domesticated pets.


>Dogs can be seen cowering in dark cold unsanitary rooms surrounded by the

>bodies of dead skinned dogs suspended from hooks.


>Cats are strangled with nooses one by one in wooden cages. This summer the

>EU will decide whether to impose a blanket ban on the imports of all cat

>and dog pelts, which at least is a step in the right direction. But the

>Internet is set to be the next hurdle.


>The rise in web shopping means that hundreds of China-based companies can

>carry on passing off cat and dog fur under various guises to customers and

>fashion retailers online - no questions asked.


>So, next time you're tempted by a 'faux fur' trimmed parka, or a

>suprisingly cheap pair of fur-lined gloves, you might want to think twice

>about whether the mittens are kitten and the hood is hound. Chances are it



The Beast Mom said...

I don't get why people even like to wear fur at all. I have zero desire to have that hairy, fuzzy sensation on my necklines or wherever else.

I hope this article isn't true!


Anonymous said...

I was just thinking, I don't own anything with fur and then I remembered my very soft gloves that are "Faux-Fur" lined. I swear I will never wear them again!!
Big R