
Friday, April 27, 2007

Animal Pee

How can I hear this phrase on an (almost) daily basis? I'll give you a hint:

"A - B - C - D - E - F - G, H - I - J - K - animal - pee, Q - R - S, T - U - V, W - X, Y - and - Z."

At least, that's what it sounds like when my son sings it.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Okay, thought of some more things . . .


  • Using a razor wayyyy longer than you're supposed to, in order to save money on groceries.
  • Toddler tantrums
  • When traffic is leaving the speedway on a weekend and half those 100,000 people decide to find a "short cut" down the street in front of my subdivision. Then traffic is bumper-to-bumper on every avenue of travel for a few hours each day.
  • Getting my period
  • Cleaning poo off of my dog's fur--poofy Pomeranian butt! :)
  • Did I mention gas prices? Just thought I should mention it again.
  • When the shows I watch are over for another season, and I have to wait for the NEW season to air, then come out on DVD so I can finally see it! We watch a few HBO shows now.
  • And I hate finding large, hairy, quick, aggressive spiders around my house!


  • When my son hugs me without prompting
  • Clean cars
  • A clean house
  • When I hear my son singing made-up songs in his room
  • A full kitchen of groceries
  • Meteor showers
  • Finding a great shopping deal
  • eBay! ;)
  • Scrabble
  • Roller-coasters!
  • And finding money I forgot about!
That's enough for now. Blog ya later!


Some things I think are icky-pants:

In no particular order:

  • Bugs (especially ants, roaches, and bees/wasps)
  • Poopy diapers
  • Prejudice
  • President Bush
  • Animal cruelty
  • The fact that no one seems to care about the faux fur fallacy
  • Loss
  • I can't stop missing my Missy rabbit . . . :(
  • I miss my Qui-Qui-doggie, too. :(
  • People who abuse children--beyond icky-pants!
  • Not having enough money to go to Starbucks
  • Running out of books to sell to Half-Price books to get money to go to Starbucks
  • When I don't have time to shower
  • Getting blood drawn
  • Shrimp--I swear, they are just "ocean roaches" to me!
  • War
  • Gas prices! Major-ly icky, and keeping me from visiting home!
  • Rotten produce in my crisper--especially when it begins to liquefy! I really do clean out my fridge, but sometimes the rotting happens very quickly!
  • Anytime I have to clean up vomit--human, canine--doesn't matter!
  • Bad dreams
  • When clothes are too small
  • People who tailgate
  • Smoking
  • Insomnia
  • Suffering
  • Littering
  • more stuff I'll add when I've had enough sleep . . .
Nighty-night, such as it is.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Things that make me happy!

In no particular order:

  • When my son laughs so hard his laughs become silent.
  • Tickling my boy!
  • Sunsets.
  • Taking pictures.
  • Seeing artwork in a museum that I had only seen in books before.
  • Wildflowers, especially in south-central Texas, where they are seen along the highway en masse, and you can't even see the grass anymore.
  • When my dog smiles as he plays.
  • When my husband comes home from work.
  • Getting an unexpected hug.
  • Chocolate!
  • Coffee!
  • Starbucks!
  • When I can make a coherent sentence that actually sounds intelligent, especially if I can use big words! ;)
  • My family.
  • Lucid dreaming. Pretty cool, if I can do it.
  • Dreaming about my pets, whom I miss very much.
  • The ocean.
  • Paris, France.
  • Really good Tex-Mex food.
  • Mexican bakeries--lots of colors and unique breads.
  • The feeling after a long shower.
  • Losing weight.
  • Finding clothes that fit well.
  • Shopping!
  • That semi-annual sale at Bath and Body Works.
  • Walking on sand.
  • Thunderstorms.
  • Cool weather.
  • Traveling.
  • Airplane tickets in my hand!
  • Making jewelry.
  • Painting.
  • Emails from my family.
  • Getting catalogs in the mail.
  • Hugging my husband and my son.
  • Interior decorating.
  • 24
  • Getting into new tv shows with my husband.
  • Shopping for beads with my friend, H.
  • Having coffee with my dad.
  • When my artificial tan comes out right.
  • Buying stuff for the house.
  • Taking naps with my dog.
Okay, I guess that's enough for now. At least I can think of happy things, I know you'll be relieved! Time to go get that decent shower I've been waiting for, and to get out of the house for a little bit on this lovely spring day.

Blog ya later,

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My son is a hippy . . .

. . . but hopefully not for long! He needs a haircut pretty bad. The plan is to shower, shave, and put on some warm-weather clothes (finally) and get out to the salon with my boy. We have a bit of money left over from Millie's gift check from last week, so we can finally swing the whole haircut thing . . . We've put it off to long, too, too long.

I made dinner last night. I've been trying to keep up with cooking when I can, since it's much more economical and often more nutritious and healthy. Last night was macaroni and cheese, a food-makeover recipe from the Weight Watchers website. Honestly, it didn't taste very good. One of those recipes that just didn't work out, I guess. I think we'll just toss the leftovers. Not like me, since I hate to throw out food when there are starving people in the world, but this was just . . . blekh! So, all my efforts in the kitchen were in vain, the steam burn on my arm, the spilled cheese on the stove, the cost of the groceries, the time . . . For nothing! Why do I bother? I don't know. I think I'm a pretty handy person in the kitchen. A lot of my recipes come out pretty good, and I can make some of my grandmother's Mexican food . . . But in this case, I blame it entirely on the recipe. Not my fault, I tell ya! I can only do so much to fix a recipe that's faulty! I'm not sure how it ever got on the website, to be honest with you. They must not have tried this one first.

Guess what my son is doing right now? No, guess, really! I'll give you a sec . . . Okay, give up? He is actually pretending to vacuum! Got the vacuum unit out and everything. He's telling me it'll be loud, and he just needs to get to the hall, then he'll be done. Then he checks the carpet setting and pushes it around some more. It looks kinda heavy for him to handle, but he's doing it. Not something I would think a 3-year-old would find interesting, but . . . He surprises me every day. Monday he wanted me to pretend his binoculars were a purse while we shopped for shoes. I tried to tell him boys and men didn't need purses, only ladies. But he wanted it to be a purse sooooo baddd! Whattayagonnado? He spends a lot of time with his mommy.

Well, that's it, I guess. I will probably post some lists and stuff next. CJ will know all this stuff, but just in case there is someone out there who wants to get to know me a bit, this'll be for you. Take care.

Blog ya later,

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


If you've never had a colonoscopy, let me tell you a bit about what goes on. Just a little heads-up from Your's Truly.

The day before the procedure, you don't get to eat--the entire day! That is, you DON'T EAT AT ALL the day before the procedure. Whew. That was a tough one to chew, no pun intended. Then you basically overdose on laxatives and spend the rest of the afternoon wearing a path in the carpet toward the bathroom. No food or water the morning of the procedure, and you get an IV line (which hurts because you're dehydrated), warm blankets, and a faded hospital gown. The doc says hi and then you get sleepy, then you wake up in the recovery room feeling like you were abducted by aliens. Memory gets fuzzy after that. Lots of sleeping, and voracious eating to follow, which may continue the next day as well.

And guess what I found out after all of this? Nothing. They just say it might be IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome. Seems like a catch-all diagnosis to me, like they don't really know what's wrong. The pain seems better, though, and the doctor said stress could have brought on much of the symptoms, too. So, I guess it was worthwhile for that reason.

I haven't felt like blogging for a while. I've had some energy lately, and I finally spent it doing some housecleaning. The house was getting ready to beg me for it, I really think so. But now it's done and looking almost like new again. And I got to shop for some shoes for my boy, who was almost walking on the soles of his feet instead of shoes by now. So I've been using my energy for other things, I guess, and not really blogging. Sometimes it feels depressing to blog, mostly because my life seems so dull sometimes, and also because I don't think anybody reads this. It almost seems pointless. But I'm usually glad once I've done it, so I guess I'll try to get back into the habit. It's a small way of making connections with the world. So, here I am.

Anyone want to learn 100 things about me? It's coming up, once I can think of 100 things to say about myself. I'm finally into the 70s. That was already pretty tough. But I'll keep working on it.

Ah, well, I guess that's it for now. Thanks for reading, for anyone who's still left out there. Thanks. Bye for now.


Thursday, April 5, 2007


The visit was this afternoon with the specialist in digestive medicine. He took my concerns very seriously, listened to me, asked lots of questions, and scheduled several tests. I am hoping at least I will come out of this with a diagnosis, no matter how grave it might be. I would really just like to know what is wrong, and then go from there. He said it could be nothing, something benign, or even something serious, so we will work on finding out the cause for my pain. I am just grateful for his efforts.

I had blood drawn, and the phlebotomist was absolutely awesome! I very rarely walk out of a medical lab saying that. I'm not sure I felt anything at all, he was that good. For a phobic, that is great news. And he was very accommodating to my son, teaching him numbers on the calendar while I did the other tests ordered. He got tons of compliments, too.

And that was my day, highlighted by a trip to Starbucks and the bakery outlet, and a decently long nap. I feel better already, even if it is just in my state of mind. More tests now scheduled for Wednesday, and hopefully I will find out soon what the trouble has been all about. I will let you folks know what I know when I know it. But so far, just waiting for results. I will probably not post the next Wednesday, since I will be dopey from the test, and tomorrow will be spent with my Millie. I'll do my best to be back here Saturday. Maybe tomorrow night if I get enough rest! We'll see.

That's pretty much what I needed to tell, just what's been going on and why I haven't been posting. I've been in some pain, and not feeling well. Thanks for caring, and for checking in on me. It means a lot.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Bad Blogger!

Bad, bad, bad, bad blogger! I just have not been updating this blog I have not been telling everyone about the terrible sore throat my hubby has been suffering from. I have not been telling everyone about the time E laughed at me when I stuck out my tongue at him, then gasped, pink-cheeked and dimpled, giving me a breathy, "Again!" He laughed so hard he could barely breathe, then told me, "You're cracking me up!" It's the first time I've ever heard him use that expression! Very funny!

I failed to mention the birthday my mom had on Sunday, then my sister today. Then I avoided blogging about the weight loss I've achieved at my meetings, even though I'm very proud of myself. I've failed to mention how little sleep I've gotten over the pet food scare, worried my dog will get sick, even though he doesn't eat canned food, but only dry. I haven't mentioned how I can still cry over my Missy rabbit, how much I still dream about my Qui-Qui dog, how I see them in my dreams if I can only sleep. I still worry about the dogs and cats in China, although I've been writing about that. I wish I could stop the pain those animals feel, if only I could stop one more animal from being tortured, I could finally sleep.

But I'm worried about the pain in my side. It's been getting worse. I have to wait until tomorrow to get it checked out by a doctor, and I don't know if they will even do any tests at all, or if I'll have to wait, or if they will just don't-worry-you're-pretty-little-head me and send me on my way. Will I get a good doctor? Will he know what to do? Will he have a clue? Will it be anything serious? How soon can I be treated? Can it be treated? I'm just worried about so many things, I have a hard time thinking about anything else. I really wish I could have my family here right now. I miss them. I would like to have people around me who will at least sound concerned about it . . . I think I'm trying to avoid worrying Millie, and C has had his own health concerns, so I haven't really had anyone to talk to about it except on the phone with CJ. I get tired of talking on the phone, though. I just want to be able to talk. Just sit and talk.

And I worry about money. So many unexpected bills creep up, and having medical expenses doesn't help. The ultrasound I just got will be another $120 or so, then there are whatever tests the specialist decides to do. And then we're running short on groceries again, and we have very little money until the next pay period, about a week-and-a-half from now. And wouldn't it be nice just to be able to afford a pair of pants that fit, to celebrate my weight loss with new clothes . . . Or to go out for coffee. . . Or buy E those new shoes he's been needing . . . Or buy a few things for the house, or a new toaster, or a million other things.

I've been feeling pretty down. Pretty depressed. I think we're doing pretty well financially, especially compared with how we were doing in San Antonio. But there are always times when it seems like there is never enough money. I guess that will always be the case, but it's frustrating. I feel like I don't contribute enough, even though I do my best, with all my faults, to keep the house running smoothly and to take care of my son. I wish I could do more, like help with earning the money. And I wish I could find the time or organization or something to be able to enjoy my hobbies (like painting or jewelry-making). I want to travel and to learn new things . . .

I think I might be going through another phase where I just feel vaguely unfulfilled. No real reason, I guess. Not really ennui, or dissatisfaction, or anything I can put my finger on. It's nothing that anyone can help me with, either. I have to figure out something, or answer a question, or something I haven't discerned . . . I don't know what it is. But it makes me feel lonely.

Anyway, since this blog has become so extremely depressing, I do apologize. Anyone who's still reading, I appreciate it. I am thankful that anyone out there might actually care what I'm thinking or going through . . . Leave a comment so I know you're there, if you will. Thanks.