
Tuesday, April 17, 2007


If you've never had a colonoscopy, let me tell you a bit about what goes on. Just a little heads-up from Your's Truly.

The day before the procedure, you don't get to eat--the entire day! That is, you DON'T EAT AT ALL the day before the procedure. Whew. That was a tough one to chew, no pun intended. Then you basically overdose on laxatives and spend the rest of the afternoon wearing a path in the carpet toward the bathroom. No food or water the morning of the procedure, and you get an IV line (which hurts because you're dehydrated), warm blankets, and a faded hospital gown. The doc says hi and then you get sleepy, then you wake up in the recovery room feeling like you were abducted by aliens. Memory gets fuzzy after that. Lots of sleeping, and voracious eating to follow, which may continue the next day as well.

And guess what I found out after all of this? Nothing. They just say it might be IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome. Seems like a catch-all diagnosis to me, like they don't really know what's wrong. The pain seems better, though, and the doctor said stress could have brought on much of the symptoms, too. So, I guess it was worthwhile for that reason.

I haven't felt like blogging for a while. I've had some energy lately, and I finally spent it doing some housecleaning. The house was getting ready to beg me for it, I really think so. But now it's done and looking almost like new again. And I got to shop for some shoes for my boy, who was almost walking on the soles of his feet instead of shoes by now. So I've been using my energy for other things, I guess, and not really blogging. Sometimes it feels depressing to blog, mostly because my life seems so dull sometimes, and also because I don't think anybody reads this. It almost seems pointless. But I'm usually glad once I've done it, so I guess I'll try to get back into the habit. It's a small way of making connections with the world. So, here I am.

Anyone want to learn 100 things about me? It's coming up, once I can think of 100 things to say about myself. I'm finally into the 70s. That was already pretty tough. But I'll keep working on it.

Ah, well, I guess that's it for now. Thanks for reading, for anyone who's still left out there. Thanks. Bye for now.


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